
Free SharePoint Hosting WSS 3.0 Template Gives Out-of-the-Box Board of Directors Business Application

Some SharePoint hosting plans for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 hosting include free out-of-the box SharePoint templates for business situations, for example, such as managing activities of Board of Directors. These SharePoint hosting templates capture common functionalities, roles, and requirements of specific business processes or sets of tasks in groups and organizations. They can be applied to common business tasks, such as managing a help desk or tracking sales leads, to easily creating useful web-based applications. You can get basic Microsoft SharePoint hosting priced for less than $9/month for unlimited users and with that package forty free SharePoint hosting templates for business that were developed by Microsoft. One can also upgrade to a low cost dedicated SharePoint server with hyper-v hosting.

The Board of Directors SharePoint hosting template provides a centralized location for a group of members, external or internal, to store and locate common documents such as quarterly reviews, notes from shareholder meetings and strategy plans or documents through a web-based interface. This template included with many SharePoint hosting plans also tracks tasks, issues and calendar items so board members have a shared view of information and activities relevant to them.
The free SharePoint hosting templates are usually available out-of-the-box when one signs up for a basic SharePoint hosting plan from hosted Microsoft SharePoint and Exchange service providers such as Apps4Rent. One can select site and workspace templates when setting up a new hosted SharePoint site via the Create page. The default templates that are included with SharePoint WSS 3.0 are arranged under two tabs in the Template Section area of the new SharePoint Site. The templates can be modified and saved under a different name. Thus, useful hosted SharePoint applications for your organization are ready for use in a few minutes.

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