
Live Streaming Campus Events with OBS Studio

The Coronavirus is making its way around the world. However, it is not the only cause that is preventing students from reaching the campus and celebrating different events. As a result, presenting your events on global platforms has never been more critical than it is today. Live streaming gives more flexibility to the hosts, participants, and guests, making campus events successful. OBS Studio helps you record and live stream all the events held at your campus for everyone that would have attended if it were possible for them.

Why Should You Live Stream Campus Events?

Campus events are organized to bring students together and instill unity and harmony in them. These occasions also give colleges an opportunity to show their strengths and abilities. Students get a platform to showcase their talent and build moments to cherish forever. However, there are multiple situations such as pandemics, hurricanes, blizzards, and other natural calamities, where gatherings are not a good idea. Also, some of the students may be coincidentally in a position that prevents them from reaching the venue. You can live stream your events on various platforms and allow everyone to share the joy.

What Equipment Do You Need to Live Stream Your Campus Events?

The internet and live streaming platforms have been the key players in hosting your events online. With the right gear, it is quite simple to live stream different campus events such as cultural gatherings, film festivals, intramurals, virtual campus visits, workshops, seminars, and more. Let’s have a closer look at the equipment you will need to set up streaming sessions.

Here is the list of tools you may need to gather before moving ahead with live streaming.

  • Web camera
  • Microphone
  • Lighting equipment
  • An encoder
  • Stable internet connection

Is Live Streaming Expensive and Complicated?

A live streaming session doesn’t need to be expensive or complicated, especially when you have taken extreme care while selecting the right gear. As high-quality web cameras and microphones are easy to find, it is the encoder that requires a little more focus. While there are tons of encoders to choose from, OBS Studio makes an ideal choice for its broad range of features and the fact that it is free.

What Is OBS Studio?

OBS Studio is an innovation that lets your record and broadcast your events in real-time. It produces HD streams to send across popular streaming platforms such as Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook Live. OBS Studio is an open-source application that allows you to customize it as per your needs. It accepts inputs from your webcam, microphone, and other sources. You can also include local video and audio files in your projects. OBS Studio is supported by all major operating systems, including Windows, Mac, and Linux.

How OBS Studio Fits into Your Need of Live Streaming Your Campus Events?

OBS Studio allows you to stream your campus events in HD quality. You can include native and remote students, alumni, staff, parents, and everyone who shares a relationship with your institute. Needless to say, you can make the event easy to attend for the world. OBS Studio gives you the controls to manage how your event will look and sound to the audience. You can set up multiple scenes covering various activities and switch between the scenes as you want. You can stream your events on various platforms such as your official website, social media pages, and all of the popular streaming platforms.

Host OBS Studio in the Cloud for Flexibility and Performance Improvement

OBS Studio enables you to provide an immersive view of your campus events to remote viewers. Its performance and capabilities largely depend on the environment where you set it up. You can host your OBS Studio in the cloud for added benefits such as high availability and improved performance. Hosting also gives you the ability to use your software across various devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers with average CPUs. Apps4Rent helps you host your software on secure and reliable virtual machines. We are available 24/7 via phone, chat, and email for hosting plan inquiries and assistance. Contact us today.

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