
SharePoint 2010 Developer Dashboard

I’ve been continuously saying that SharePoint 2010 has been launched with some really great features and when saying that I cannot afford to forget its yet another cool feature Developer Dashboard. The Developer Dashboard allows you to monitor page load performance on SharePoint. Simply put, you can see how each element on the page loads! […]

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SharePoint 2010 Quota Templates

What is a SharePoint 2010 Quota Template? A quota template consists of storage limit values that specify the maximum amount of data that can be stored in a site collection. When the storage limit is reached, a quota template can also trigger an e-mail alert to the site collection administrator. You can create a quota […]

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Multi-lingual User Interface in SharePoint 2010

Multi-lingual User Interface—The name says it all! Isn’t it? Yes, SharePoint 2010 has introduced the Multi-lingual User Interface (MUI), which is available with every type of site—even the SharePoint Central Administration site. The Multi-lingual User Interface should not be considered as a translating tool, instead it is tool that allows users to select a display […]

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SharePoint 2010 BCS Profile

What is a Profile Page on SharePoint Sever 2010 Business Connectivity Services (BCS)? A profile page in Business Connectivity Services (BCS) allows displaying all the information for an external content. A profile page can display all the fields in a record for a specific customer and can also display all the orders associated with the […]

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SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Wiki

Introduction to SharePoint Server 2010 Enterprise Wiki You have lot of information that you want to share with your colleagues? But don’t know how? Then use an Enterprise Wiki. Now you must be thinking what is an Enterprise Wiki, right? AnEnterprise Wiki in SharePoint Server 2010 is a publishing site for sharing and updating large […]

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SharePoint 2010 Remote BLOB Storage (RBS)

What is a SharePoint Server 2010 Remote BLOB Storage? Remote BLOB Storage (RBS) is an add-on feature pack for Microsoft SQL Server 2008. Remote BLOB Storage moves the storage of binary large objects (BLOBs) from database servers to commodity storage solutions. If the content databases in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 are 4 gigabytes (GB) or […]

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SharePoint 2010 PerformancePoint Services

What is PerformancePoint Services? Most of the time it happens that the metrics that make up your key performance indicators are not simple values from a data source. In PerformancePoint Services 2007 you could create two kinds of KPI metrics: Simple single value metrics from any supported data source or Complex multiple value metrics from […]

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SharePoint 2010 Web Analytics and Statistics

  These days you have lot of content or information around you. But to choose the best is really a painstaking effort. Isn’t it? In order to make this task easier, many known software companies have come up with web analytics tools to help users find which content is popular and which is not. Likewise, […]

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SharePoint 2010 Access Services

Another SharePoint Server 2010 feature which cannot go unnoticed is the Access Services. Access Services is a service in SharePoint 2010 that allows administrators to view, edit, and configure a Microsoft access application within a Web Browser. Access Services settings support backup and recovery, regardless of whether there is a UI setting in Central Administration. […]

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SharePoint 2010 Logging Database

As mentioned in other posts, SharePoint 2010, without doubt, is a bunch of exciting features and options. And one of the features that really enthuses me in SharePoint 2010 is the Logging Database feature. Logging Database, named as WSS_Logging, helps aggregate logging data or information from the server farm into one central location. SharePoint aggregates […]

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