
Use Hosted SharePoint for Strategic Planning of New Product and Marketing Requirements

Hosted SharePoint Services Template helps in Strategic Planning of New Product and Marketing Requirements New product development requires extensive product and marketing requirements planning. Factors such as product design, engineering aspects, market research and competition analysis need to be considered. New product requirements planning involves coordinating with different teams such as the Sales, Marketing, Engineering […]

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SharePoint Site Hi- light: We Know Where Your Stuff Is

The site we are taking a look at today is Lojack, a world- wide provider of theft deterrent and recovery systems. As with the other sites in our series, we will look at overall design and usability as well as how the site might take advantage of SharePoint’s dynamic capabilities.

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Manage Expense Reimbursement and Approval Process with Hosted SharePoint Template

Management of Expense Reimbursement and Approval Process within Hosted SharePoint Services Template Reimbursement of business related expenses is a crucial process for both the employer and employees of an organization. Often employees end up spending their productive time on submitting expense reports and are let down by the delays in reimbursement of expenses. Therefore, organizations […]

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SharePoint Benefits Enrollment

Ease the Burden on Human Resources Department by using Hosted SharePoint Services for Online Enrollment of Employee Benefits with Self-Service Portal Organizations offer a variety of benefits to their employees including medical plans, insurance plans, long term disability and others that may change from year to year. The Human Resources department holds the responsibility of […]

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The Forgotten Apple Tablet

Deemed the “Modbook” by its makers AXIOTRON, this tablet Mac is a marriage of a Macbook and a Wacom Penabled Pen Tablet, while keeping the classic lines and look of a Mac.

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Modifying SharePoint Master Pages Part 1

Today’s focus is going to be on modifying master pages. As we have learned before, master pages hold the framework and the common content for your site, so if you want to modify your site, you have to make changes to your master page.

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SharePoint Survey Analysis and Reporting

Use SharePoint Service Template for Business Performance Reporting and Survey Analysis Business performance reporting is associated with overall customer satisfaction. With increasing competition, organizations strive hard to maintain high customer satisfaction levels. Tracking customer satisfaction is essential in order to improve your business effectiveness. Therefore, you need a reliable system which not only tracks customer […]

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Music Pros demand a piece of Apple’s pie

People are getting their media online more and more, and the artists are not getting paid for these as performances. These are not multi-millionaires, but middle class individuals that need a paycheck as much as anyone else.

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