
Real SharePoint Access for Mac’s, Really.

With all of the “I’m a Mac, I’m a P.C.” hype, it’s easy to miss that the lines have blurred just a little more between Mac and P.C. users. Microsoft’s mid-cycle update of their Office product for Mac (SP2), has taken workflow integration just that one step further, and Mac users are feeling less ostracized from the company Intranet and collaboration server.

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Cloud Computing: What Is It, And Why Use It?

You’ve heard the words, but have no clue what they mean. “Cloud Computing” might sound like something that would be used by meteorologists to predict rain, but it is really used to describe where computing technology is headed.

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T-Mobile HTC MyTouch 3G Android Based Phone Improves on G1

The T-Mobile MyTouch 3G, launching now improves upon the features of the carrier’s earlier android based phone, the G1.  It is a welcome addition to the still niche market of Google’s Android OS based phones.  The T-Mobile MyTouch 3G made by HTC not only offers everything the G1 does and more. Of course there are […]

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Apple Dodges Remote Hack Bullet

Miller and Mullliner were capable of targeting iPhones in the US and Germany, and believe it would work as well anywhere. They chose to make their findings public, because ” The bad guys are going to do it no matter what” says Mulliner.

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SharePoint for Event Planning

Event planning made easy with hosted SharePoint from Apps4Rent. A software application template for Events Planning is available free with hosted SharePoint plans from Apps4Rent, a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner.

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Nokia Devices Sync with Hosted Exchange through Mail for Exchange Product

Microsoft Exchange server is the hub for the numerous smart mobile phones and devices, including those made by Nokia, the world’s leading handset maker. A few years ago, Nokia licensed Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync technology from Microsoft, to expand the choices offered to its customers. This Exchange ActiveSync licensing effort yielded a product called Nokia Mail […]

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Mac not so Laid Back

Apple says that use of this software is responsible for “crashes and freezes”, “loss of data” and dropped calls/ slow internet as well as many other issues.

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iPhone 3GS, Worth the Upgrade?

If you’ve been a user of the original Iphone, you might be wondering if the new Iphone 3GSs is worth the upgrade. With all of the mobile device boundaries broken by the original Iphone, what could they possibly do to make it better? Iphones already come with so much, including ActiveSync capabilities to work with hosted Exchange or hosted SharePoint, cut and paste, landscape mode and more. What’s left? Well, we’re here to take a look and examine the new updates.

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