
BlackBerry Tour for Verizon Wireless Melds The Best of Bold and Curve

Research in Motion recently announced the BlackBerry Tour 9360 smart phone for Verizon Wireless that competes well with BlackBerry Bold and BlackBerry Curve 8900 on other US networks.  This is meant to be a World phone as it can work on non-US mobile standards.  The Tour uses dual CDMA/GSM technology, which lets it work on […]

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MIT Migrates to Microsoft Exchange for Hosted E-Mail

When you think of MIT, you think of techies who are open source enthusiasts, with Unix  and open source systems being the backbone of campus communication  historically.  It may come as a surprise that the pragmatic staff that manages MIT’s e-mail systems have opted recently to Microsoft Exchange for hosted e-mail.  This is another sign […]

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Mobile E-mail Everywhere But The Smart Phone Battery Has No Life

So you have brought this cool smart phone- iPhone 3G, Palm Pre, BlackBerry or whatever is the latest fantasy mobile device.  Just when your mobile phone is synchronizing with your hosted Exchange server account with Apps4Rent for your valuable e-mails, the battery dies.  And you realize you are not carrying your mobile phone charger.  You […]

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T-Mobile Dashes Towards 3G Smart Phone With Windows Mobile OS

T-Mobile and HTC have been innovating to offer consumers smart phones with cutting edge features such as synchronization with hosted exchange.  The T-Mobile Dash 3G made by HTC is T-Mobile’s first Windows Mobile smart phone with 3G capabilities.  Apps4Rent’s customers of hosted exchange services will be interested in what Information Week reports about the phone:

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Does Hosted Exchange Work Well Internationally?

Anyone looking to purchase hosted exchange accounts will find a choice of exchange hosting providers across the world.  Many buyers feel more comfortable buying from a local provider.  But is that really a wise choice?  The answer is that local presence is not really that important.  Therefore, buyers have a much wider choice of exchange […]

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Send Receive and Edit Exchange E-Mail Attachments on iPhone

If you are an avid iPhone user who wishes to send, receive, or edit attachments that exist on your Exchange e-mail account, the a new software solution DataViz’s Documents to Go may be useful to you.  We at Apps4Rent are always looking to help our hosted exchange customers get the maximum value out of their […]

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Palm Pre Smart Phone and Microsoft Exchange Synchronization

Palm Pre, a new smart phone by Palm, is getting rave reviews.  However, what is of interest to our hosted Exchange customers in the business world  is the synchronization between the smart phone and Microsoft Exchange server.  In this regard, we have been searching the Web for information about this feature.  Here is what we […]

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Vendors Announce SharePoint Backup Automation Tools

It is important to have a reliable SharePoint backup software tool for hosted SharePoint sites.  Apps4Rent, a specialist in SharePoint hosting, is always looking for the developments in backup automation tools.  Good backup tools decrease the workload of system administrators and prevent mistakes of commission and omission.  Two different vendors of such products, AvePoint and […]

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Social Networking in SharePoint

It was pointed out at a recent Enterprise 2.0 conference that organizations big and small are seeing benefits from Microsoft SharePoint .  David Gardiner reports in the InformationWeek that social networking applications of Microsoft SharePoint  in the enterprise span industries as diverse as education, the military, and software development. Some examples cited by Information Week […]

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What is SharePoint?

Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS 3.0) is a web based portal and collaboration suite that is included with Windows server versions beginning with Windows Server 2003 and also offered by Hosted SharePoint Service Providers. Behind the functionality offered by Windows SharePoint Services are essentially five components:

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