What does Sharepoint do?
This is a question I have heard often, or at least in one of its many forms. “Can I do xxxxx with SharePoint?”, “Will SharePoint work with”, etc. The truth is, SharePoint is much too big to limit with such a question. A better question is, what are people doing with SharePoint?Now sign up with Apps4Rent for SharePoint 2013 server hosting solutions at value prices.
Today, we’re going to look at some of the scenario’s that people use Windows SharePoint services for, from the simplest uses to more complex setups.
SharePoint as a CMS
Many companies are using SharePoint as a content management system to host an Internet site. With a site builder/templates available and SharePoint Designer, there is no limit to the layout or functionality of a SharePoint site. A SharePoint site can be designed to host media, run an e-commerce site, and even provide per page user access. No matter your website needs, SharePoint can stand on its own as a website framework.
As an Intranet
Much like a website, but only for internal users (staff), SharePoint can provide an excellent Intranet. Keep your company organized and up to date by sharing information with your employees and other internal users. Give assignments, share data and work together on projects using SharePoint for your Intranet.
As a Document Repository
One of the things that SharePoint is specifically designed to handle is documents and version control. The last thing you want is a document with inaccurate data because two people were editing it at once. SharePoint handles this with comprehensive version control and a check in/out system to maintain document integrity. Smooth out your workflow and stop worrying about loosing data.
As a Collaboration Server
If we combine the features listed so far, and add a few more, we start getting to what SharePoint was actually designed for. One of it’s primary functions is as a Collaboration server. Imagine that you run a web development company with a virtual workforce (most of your employees are telecommute), and you need a way for your artists, designers and programmers to work together. Using SharePoint’s tools for document sharing, version control, communications and CMS/ Intranet capabilities, your ideas can move seamlessly from concept to reality, with realtime interaction on all levels. One can also upgrade to a low cost dedicated SharePoint server with hyper-v hosting.
In conclusion, whether you’re needs are a CMS to hold your website, or a full-blown Document Sharing and Collaboration Server, SharePoint site hosting is definitely worth a look.