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SharePoint Document Management

The data and documentation a company uses is an integral part of the business, whether that documentation is for internal or external use. SharePoint, like the best document management software systems, includes important features such as storage for the documents, versioning, metadata, security, indexing, workflow, and retrieval.

Apps4Rent offers Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS 2007), SharePoint Foundation 2010, SharePoint Server 2010, and Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) hosting to suit the feature requirements and budgets of customers. See comparison of SharePoint Server vs Foundation 2010 for document management software features.

SharePoint document management system allows you to easily manage your business information, from the most important to the most trivial. As well, document management system can help all parts of your company, from whole departments to small teams. The document management software reduces risk by using advanced security, administrative features, and retention protocol based on corporate policies and legal / business compliance requirements.

Managing documents is a key task for any office. Your employees need tools for document sharing, archiving, organization, versioning, collaborative authoring, protecting confidential documents, backing up anything important, and maintaining an approval process for critical documents such as project proposals or quotations. The SharePoint Document Management Software System can help companies organize, share and access important documents, increasing collaboration and team productivity.



SharePoint document management software leverages a concept called a document library to store documents. Document libraries let you define containers for keeping documents together, such as documents for a specific project, department, or any other logical grouping. Document libraries are not limited to Microsoft Office files-they can hold any document format, including PDFs, images, videos, and text files. However, SharePoint document management system provides additional functionality for Microsoft Office 2007 documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.). The Office 2007 client applications let users publish directly to SharePoint, kick off SharePoint workflows, check documents in or out, etc.



When it’s configured to do so, SharePoint document management software keeps a historical record of document changes. The Document Library Settings, found on the Document Library home page, allows you to set online file versioning. You can also set who sees the drafts, as well as how many, and which, versions to keep.




In a document management system, metadata is the information that describes the document. It comes in two flavors: automatic and user-defined.
Automatic metadata is traditional descriptive information, such as title, author, created date, file size, etc. This metadata is automatically added to the system when a user adds a document to SharePoint. User-defined metadata requires an administrator or developer to add extra “columns” to SharePoint document libraries. These columns hold additional information about the document.




Whenever documents are stored in a central repository, it’s important to consider who will be able to access them. SharePoint document management software system allows administrators to define security rights to SharePoint sites, libraries within those sites, and documents within those libraries. These rights consist of permissions assigned to individual users or groups of users. Permissions levels range from read-only to full control.



Indexing and Search

Indexing of documents is important when you’re trying to find the right document quickly. SharePoint document management software not only indexes the metadata for the documents it stores, it also creates a full-text index of any Microsoft Office documents. The full-text index lets users search for documents even when the target search terms appear somewhere deep within a document.
Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 enhances the search functionality significantly over previous versions. It has better relevancy algorithms, better security trimming (prevents users from seeing search results for which they should not have access), and better search management and reporting tools.






A document workflow is a prescribed set of steps the document may go through during its development and lifetime. SharePoint 2007 ships with several basic workflows that allow you to quickly request feedback on a document or get approval. To define more complex workflows, users can leverage SharePoint Designer or write custom code.