
What is Decomposition Tree in SharePoint 2010?

What is a Decomposition Tree? PerformancePoint Services for SharePoint 2010 introduces the decomposition tree, an interactive arrangement of bar charts that makes it easy to explore contribution relationships. It provides an effective alternative to the “Drill Down To” feature in analytic charts. How is Decomposition Tree Useful? The Decomposition Tree is particularly useful because it […]

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Peek-a-boo at Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010!

Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer is a free WYSIWYG HTML editor and web design program from Microsoft for SharePoint and other websites. It is a part of the SharePoint family of products. SharePoint Designer shares its codebase, UI and HTML rendering engine with Microsoft Expression Web, and does not rely on Internet Explorer’s Trident engine, which […]

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SharePoint Data Connections

What is a Data Connection Library in SharePoint Server 2010? A Data Connection Library in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 is a library that can contain two kinds of data connections: an Office Data Connection (ODC) file or a Universal Data Connection (UDC) file. Microsoft InfoPath 2010 uses data connections that comply with the Universal Data […]

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Timer Jobs in SharePoint 2010

Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 is rich in features. When properly configured SharePoint can support collaboration, manage shared documents, define workflows, schedule tasks, etc. Another key feature of SharePoint Server 2010 is a Timer Job. A timer job runs in a specific Windows service for SharePoint Server and performs infrastructure tasks for the Timer service, such as […]

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Excel Services in SharePoint

Do you do a lot of work with numbers at work? Then you are certainly familiar with Microsoft Excel. When using Excel do you also find it difficult to share your spreadsheets with your colleagues or your boss? If so, then SharePoint’s Excel Services is going to be a best in class collaboration solution that […]

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Multi-Tenancy in SharePoint

An ability to host multiple clients/departments, and provide the ability to isolate their workloads and still provide all the platform features is one of the significant task while adopting a SharePoint platform in your company, isn’t it? For a cloud/ hosting situation we may have a need for multiple clients to have their own work […]

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Discover your lost file using Microsoft Business Intelligence Indexing Connector

Want to make your business intelligence assets, such as, SQL Server Reporting Services RDL files, Power Pivot files, and Excel files easily discoverable or searchable? Then here is a new add-on feature by Microsoft for the SharePoint Server 2010. Microsoft Business Intelligence Indexing Connector for FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint enhances search capabilities for […]

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Content Crawler in SharePoint 2010

What is a Content Crawler in SharePoint Server 2010? Using Content Crawler, the results are returned from the Search service application’s content index based on the user’s query. The content index contains content that is crawled by the Search service application, and includes text content and metadata for each content item.

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