
BlackBerry Enterprise Activation Steps

BlackBerry Enterprise Activation Steps.

The Blackberry Enterprise service delivers seamless bi-directional wireless synchronization of Exchange PIM data, e-mail, tasks, memos, calendars, and address books. It also provides automatic backup of user preferences and can provide additional security by remotely “killing” lost or stolen devices.

Before you go for “Enterprise Activation; please ensure that you are ready for “Enterprise Activation” by checking the below given checklist.

Data Plan:

Please ensure that your device has a “Blackberry Enterprise Data Plan”.

Enabling BlackBerry Service from the Control Panel:

Enabling BlackBerry Service from the Control Panel. There are additional charges for enabling this service. You will be charged $9.95 per user per month besides the existing mailbox charges.

  • Please login into your control panel and click on the user for which you need to enable BlackBerry Enterprise Services
  • Scroll to the Exchange Info Section.
  • Enable BlackBerry.
  • You will receive activation in your mailbox

Enabling services on the device:

Please ensure that your mailbox has been enabled for use with BES (Blackberry Enterprise Service). If not then please contact your administrator and for any clarification he can get in touch with us at


Please ensure that handheld wireless device is on and that you are in an area of wireless coverage.

BlackBerry Enterprise Activation

From the device, please follow the steps given below:

1. Click Settings and then Options.

2. Click on Advanced Options and then Enterprise Activation.

If BlackBerry Enterprise Activation option is not available on your device, then please contact your carrier and verify dataplan. They may need to “resend your service books” to make this option available.

3. Enter your primary email address: (press the space key for a “@” symbol and again for “.”) Example:

4. Enter the activation password.

5. Click the Menu button

6. Select Activate

Your device will Verify encryption keys and start downloading service books. Time for the download of mails and items will depend upon the size of your mailbox.

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1.Enabling BlackBerry Service from the Control Panel.There are additional charges for enabling this service.You will be charged $9.95 per user per month besides the existing mailbox charges.

a.Please login into your control panel and click on the user for which you need to enable BlackBerry Enterprise Services

b.Scroll to the Exchange Info Section.

c.Enable BlackBerry.

You will receive activation in your mailbox

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