DNS entries for Apps4Rent’s Hosted Exchange 2013 Mailboxes.
NOTE: This is applicable only for users who have signed up for Apps4Rent’s Exchange Email hosting 2013 plans. These changes need to be done usually at your domain registrar’s control panel (Company from where the domain was purchased) or your DNS provider (usually your Webhosting Company).
MX records:
In order for email to go to our servers, you will need to set your domain to point to our servers. Please create the following DNS entries for your domain. Based on the welcome mail you received, you will need to create either:
<domainname.com>——>mx11.hostmailserver.com, Priority 10
<domainname.com>——>mx12.hostmailserver.com, Priority 10
Example: Please replace <domainname.com> with your original domain name.
The CName if set allows you to use all features of Apps4Rent’s Hosted Exchange Server offering.
The following functionality of Hosted Exchange Email depends upon CName. Lack of recommended CName records will provide little or no functionality for the following features.
* Automatic Setup of MS Outlook 2007 and MS Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013.
* Synchronizing your Offline Address Book.
* Viewing Free/Busy information of the calendars with in the Company.
* Out of Office (OOF) auto-response messages.
CName for your SharePoint Foundation 2013 site:
In order for your SharePoint Web hosting site to be accessible, you will need to create a CName DNS entry with your DNS provider (whoever you bought your domain from).
yoursharepointdomain.com* -> spf2013.dataoncloud.com
*The address of your SharePoint site (example: sharepoint.yourdomain.com) which would be created through the control panel.