How can SharePoint hosting and hosted Exchange subscribers add a user?
SharePoint hosting subscribers and hosted Exchange subscribers of Apps4Rent can add users from their control panel by following the steps given below.
NOTE: If you are a SharePoint hosting subscriber, then you need to skip the step 7; hosted Exchange subscribers may continue reading the instructions. You also need to have administrator access to the control panel. If you are not a administrator then you need to contact your administrator.
1. Click on Switch to Advanced Administration at the top Right Hand Side.
If you don’t get the Switch to Advanced Administration then you are inside the Advanced Administration link. Please proceed to step 2.
2. Click on Add User on the left hand side.
3. Fill the relevant details.
4. In Account Info box you can select the access level for the user in Control panel.
5. In the Challenge Message- choose the relevant option and enter the Challenge Response.
6. Choose a Password. Please ensure that the Password is atleast of 8 characters and contains one UPPER Case character and one number. Also, the password should not be similar to the username that you are creating.
7. Create the Exchange user mailbox address and choose the relevant plan. Please note that its important that you choose the plan.
8. If you get the SharePoint box then assign the access level. Assigning the Access Level will allow the user to visit the SharePoint site which you have created and login using the above credentials.