Manage Block Senders List in Outlook Web Access (OWA)
To manage Safe Senders List from Outlook Web Access (OWA), please read the details given below.
1. Click on Options.
2. Select Junk E-mail.
Manage Blocked Senders List
This list will contain domains and people from whom you do not want to receive e-mail messages. Messages that are received from any e-mail address or domain on your Blocked Senders List are sent directly to your Junk E-mail folder.
To add a sender to the list
1. Under Manage Blocked Senders List
2. Click Add.
3. Type an e-mail address or domain in the text box, and then press ENTER.
To modify a sender in the list
1. Select the sender
2. Click Edit.
3. Change the entry, and then press ENTER.
To remove a sender from the list:
1. Select the sender.
2. Click Remove.
You can use the SHIFT key to select multiple adjacent senders or the CTRL key to select multiple senders that are not adjacent.