
Outlook Resource Scheduling Options

Resource Settings in Outlook Web Access (OWA)

Please ensure that you have created the resource from your Apps4Rent control panel. To create a resource from the control panel; please follow the instructions provided here. The options that are available in this KB article are used when you access the mailbox of a resource, such as a conference room or equipment.

The Resource Settings option page is only displayed when you are logged on to a resource mailbox.

It is likely that you will only have permissions to access a resource mailbox if you manage resources. To obtain permissions to access a resource, please contact your company administrator.

Note: When you have finished making changes to these options, click Save. If you do not click Save, Outlook Web Access prompts you to save your changes, not save them, or cancel to stay on the Resource Settings page.

Resource Scheduling Options

You can set a resource mailbox to automatically process all incoming meeting requests and cancellations. If you select the check box to automatically process meeting requests and cancellations, there are several options that you can use to control the automatic behavior of the resource mailbox:

  • Automatically process meeting requests and cancellations: Click this check box to enable the rest of the options in the Resource Scheduling Options section. The settings in this section determine how the resource can be scheduled and how conflicts are handled.
  • Disable Reminders: If you select this check box, the mailbox for the resource will not receive reminder notices for meetings.
  • Maximum number of days: Use this box to set the maximum number of days that a resource can be booked in advance.
  • Always decline if end date is beyond this limit: If this check box is selected, meeting requests for this resource are declined if the end date for the meeting occurs after the Maximum number of days limit.
  • Limit meeting duration: If this check box is selected, the meeting cannot exceed the number of minutes specified in the Maximum allowed minutes box.
  • Maximum allowed minutes: The number that is specified in this box is the maximum length of time that the resource can be booked for a meeting.
  • Allow scheduling only during working hours: If this check box is selected, the resource only allows meetings during the hours defined in the Calendar Work Week section of the Calendar Options for this mailbox.
  • Allow conflicts: If this check box is selected, the resource can be scheduled by more than one person during the same time period.
  • Allow recurring meetings: If this check box is selected, people can schedule the resource for recurring meetings.
  • Allow up to this number of individual conflicts: The number in this box is the maximum number of schedule conflicts that are allowed for a meeting with this resource. If this many attendees or fewer have conflicts with the proposed meeting time, the meeting will be accepted by the resource. However, if more attendees than the number that is specified in the Allow up to this number of individual conflicts box have conflicts with the proposed meeting time, the resource will decline the meeting. A conflict occurs when the proposed meeting time is already marked as Busy or Tentative on an attendee’s schedule.
  • Allow up to this percentage of individual conflicts: The number in this box is the maximum percentage of schedule conflicts that are allowed for a meeting with this resource. If this percentage of attendees or fewer have conflicts with the proposed meeting time, the meeting will be accepted by the resource. However, if more attendees than the percentage specified in the Allow up to this percentage of individual conflicts box have conflicts with the proposed meeting time, the resource will decline the meeting. A conflict occurs when the proposed meeting time is already marked as Busy or Tentative on an attendee’s schedule.

Resource Scheduling Permissions

Resource Scheduling Permissions let you control which users can automatically schedule the resource mailbox if it is available, which users must have approval to schedule the resource mailbox if it is available, and which users can automatically schedule the resource mailbox when it is available and can submit a request for approval when it is unavailable. The possible settings are as follows:

  • These users can schedule automatically if the resource is available: Select the users who can automatically schedule the resource if it is available. To specify that all users can automatically schedule the resource if it is available, click Everyone. To specify individual users or groups of people who can automatically schedule the resource if it is available, click Select Users and Groups and then enter those names in the box.
  • These users can submit a request for manual approval if the resource is available: Select the users who can submit a request for manual approval to schedule the resource if it is available. When a request is submitted for manual approval, the request must be accepted by the resource mailbox owner or a delegate of the resource mailbox instead of being automatically accepted. To specify that all users must submit a request for manual approval to schedule the resource if it is available, click Everyone. To specify individual users or groups of people who must submit a request for manual approval to schedule this resource if it is available, click Select Users and Groups, and then enter their names or aliases in the box.
  • These users can schedule automatically if the resource is available and submit a request for manual approval if the resource is unavailable: Select the users who can automatically schedule the resource if it is available and submit a request for manual approval if the resource is unavailable. When a request is submitted for manual approval, the request must be accepted by the resource mailbox owner or a delegate of the resource mailbox instead of being automatically accepted. To specify that all users can automatically schedule the resource if it is available and submit a manual request to schedule the resource if it is unavailable, click Everyone. To specify individual users or groups of people who can automatically schedule the resource if it is available or submit a request for manual approval to schedule the resource if it is unavailable, click Select Users and Groups, and then enter those names in the box.
  • Always forward to delegates: If this check box is selected, meeting requests that require approval are forwarded to users who are delegates of the resource.
  • Always tentatively accept these requests: If this check box is selected, meeting requests that require approval always accept the meeting request tentatively.

Resource Privacy Options

You can use the Resource Privacy settings in Options to control what information is included in meeting requests and cancellations that are sent to the resource mailbox. These options affect only the items in the resource mailbox calendar. They include the following:

  • Always add organizer name to meeting subject: If this check box is selected, the meeting organizer’s name is included in the meeting subject.
  • Always remove the private flag on an accepted meeting: If this check box is selected, private meeting requests that are accepted by the resource will be marked as public so that the resource schedule can be viewed by other people.
  • Include detailed information about conflicting meetings in response: If this check box is selected, when the resource declines a meeting request because of a conflict with an existing meeting, information about the existing meeting is sent in the declined meeting response.
  • Include organizer’s name in conflict information: If this check box is selected, when the resource declines a meeting request because of a conflict with an existing meeting, the name of the organizer of the existing meeting is sent with the meeting details in the declined meeting response. This check box is available only if the Include detailed information about conflicting meetings in response check box is selected.
  • Always delete the following when sent to this resource: Select the check boxes for all items that you want to be automatically deleted when they are sent to the resource mailbox. This list includes the following:

E-mail messages.
Attachments from meeting requests.
Comments from meeting requests.
Subject of meeting requests.

Response Message

You can send additional text with automated responses to scheduling requests for resources. To add text to automated responses, select Add additional text that will be included in responses to meeting requests, and then type and format your message in the box.

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