When do I need to fill the License Verification Form?
You will need to send in the new License Verification Form when:
- Submit the License Verification Form within 10 days of deployment.
- You deploy additional licenses.
- Renew your EA (Enterprise Agreement) or Volume Licensing (VL) agreement.
- Renew your Software Assurance (SA).
What if I do not have Software Assurance on the Licenses?
Even if you have Volume Licenses; you need to have Software Assurance rights to invoke License mobility. You will need to contact your Microsoft Representative
on the options you have and how you can get Software Assurance on your current set of licenses.
What are the charges I have to pay to invoke License Mobility?
Apps4Rent does not charge customers for invoking the License mobility. We provide services and infrastructure to our customers.
Can I setup a Hybrid Cloud environment while invoking License mobility?
Yes, you can use Hybrid Environment and still invoke License Mobility. You can combine your cloud; desktop; dedicated and virtual environments into one custom infrastructure.
During SAM audits done by Microsoft, will Apps4Rent assist us?
As a customer you will have full administrator rights to the environment and you will be able to login into the server as an administrator. This ensures that you will be able to handle the audits.
Can I use my existing Microsoft Licenses?
Yes. Eligible Microsoft software can be deployed using existing application licenses. But its upto the customer to ensure compliance with Microsofts Licenses programs. All customers using License mobility via Software Assurance have to complete the license verification process. Microsoft will ensure that the customer has eligible licenses and those could be used in a cloud environment with a cloud provider.
Am I still covered under support when I provide my own licenses?
Yes. We will support our customers using our Managed Server offerings and who have leveraged Licenses Mobility via Software Assurance.